Saturday, October 30, 2010


In a village called Poverty

In a state called Hunger

In a country called Corruption

There I live

The north side

Of my village is bounded by

Insecurity village

While the south side is bounded by

Unemployment village

My village is ruled by

An awesome and fearsome fellow

A character called

Chief Bad Leadership

As an administrator

With whips and guns

He rules us

Pauperizing and traumatizing us

Lest we have the courage

To challenge his leadership

As a physician

Our youths he experiments on

Constantly altering their brain composition

Making of them creatures

Whose thoughts and actions

Are worse than mere animals’

Because of this, you see

Our youths are often into

All forms of vice and crime

While the elders watch

To the detriment of my village

Our village

Where we all live

PS: The form of leadership we run in this country has succeeded in producing all types of deviant characters. People are only thinking of crimes they can commit to enrich themselves. Until the Christians, whom God has appointed as elders and watchmen over the city do something about it through intercession and evangelism, the situation will only continue to get worse


Who is tomorrow

Will he ever come

If every man I know

Adores tomorrow

Loves tomorrow

Romances tomorrow

Then tomorrow must be a woman

What will tomorrow bring

Will it summon a bullet

To my head

Will it become a bully

To my rest

Will it become a death

To my health

Who is tomorrow

Will she ever come?

If every woman I know

Adores tomorrow

Loves tomorrow

Romances tomorrow

Then tomorrow must be a man

What will tomorrow bring

Will it summon a child

To the childless

Will it become hope

To the hopeless

Will it become a heart

To the heartless

Who is tomorrow

Will it ever come

Even I know not

What tomorrow brings for me

Even I know not

How tomorrow comes to me

Even I know

Tomorrow may be a bomb

Destroying every man and woman

Even I know

Tomorrow may be a prostitute

Satisfying every man and woman

I confess

I always will

Adore tomorrow

Love tomorrow

Romance tomorrow

Tomorrow is what I live for

Tomorrow is what I hope for

PS: The subject called tomorrow has really been a problem to so many. A lot of people have been led into the occult and other unimaginable ‘unions’ because they want to peep into tomorrow. The desire to control tomorrow is what has also led many to early grave. The world is really interested in knowing everything possible about tomorrow. For Christians, we rejoice because we already know tomorrow. Christ has told us everything that will happen tomorrow because He is our hope and our future. If any man can be in union with Christ, he has no need to worry or fear anything because Christ is our tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


It shall rot away

That which you call a body

It shall fade away

That which you call friendship

It shall fall away

That which you call a home

It shall blow away

That which you gather today

It shall pass away

That which you are reading now

But the day

Only time will tell

PS: Everything about this life; this world will pass away. God has said in His word that this world we love so much would be destroyed by fire. The only sure thing we can have forever is eternal life in the kingdom of Christ. So why don’t you focus your attention on that and care less about this perverse and wicked world?

Monday, October 4, 2010


O Great Spirit, Maker of all lives

Like an arrow shot into the wind

We thy created life forms

Have been sent into this world

With society and experience

Influencing our use of the gift of freewill

In fulfilling the purpose of our existence

O Great One, Maker of all lives

Your divine plan for us

Help us to achieve

In this span limited by time

And when it’s time to depart

Tell death to hurry

And take us home

O Great Father, Maker of us all

On this journey help us

For we constantly seek the dim light

Leading the way home

That at the Great Council in heaven

We may be reunited with saints

Who once worked and walked the earth