Wednesday, February 1, 2012


And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?    2 Kings 6:15

Unpleasant things happen to people all the time. In as much as we hate them, we cannot really prevent unpleasant things from happening to us. When they happen, some of them could be so serious that our existence becomes threatened. In such cases, we begin to wonder if God has left us to our fate.
When the servant of Elisha woke up early in the morning and saw the Syrian army surrounding them, he became fearful and thought all was lost. But when the man of God prayed and his eyes were open, he saw things differently (2 Kg 6:16-18).
Many of us are just like this servant. We murmur and complain of our situation in life because of our limited sight. A question arising from this story that we need to ask ourselves is that why did the Syrian king send a large number of soldiers against just two puny people?
It was because he saw them as formidable opponents; he saw them as a serious threat to his kingdom. The same thing applies to the devil. The reason why he is confronting us with temptations, persecutions and other weapons in his arsenal is because he knows we are serious threat to his kingdom. He knows our importance to God and that a single Christian can wreak massive havoc to his camp. He is not interested in unbelievers or sinners because they are no threat to him: he has them in his grip already. Hence his constant attacks against Christians.
No matter the magnitude of our challenge in life, we must remember God’s promise that He will never leave us (Heb 13:5). If only our eyes of understanding can be opened, we would see the hosts of God all around us in that situation that seem to defy every solution. If only we can shift our attention away from the problem to the One who has the solution, we would see the way of escape that the Lord has prepared for us (1 Cor 10:13).
Brethren, God is faithful and will never allow any of His to be molested by the devil. So let us quit whining and complaining because that is what the enemy needs. Let us move boldly to the throne of grace and ask the merciful Lord to show us the way out of those problems that appear as if they would drown us and He will definitely show us the way.


  1. Please continue the good work. The grace of God will multiply unto you. I am personally impressed with this great piece of wisdom.

    1. Thank you very much Sir. May the purpose of the Lord in your life, family and ministry be accomplished in Jesus name.
