Friday, August 22, 2014


“He that watereth shall be watered also himself” Prov 11:25

A lesson that must forever be fresh in our minds is that to get, we must give; to accumulate, we must scatter; to be happy, we must make others happy; our attempts at being useful to others bring out the power of usefulness lying dormant in us.

When I embarked on a missionary trip with some brethren a couple of days ago to a remote island, it was with the understanding that we were going only to tell the people about the Gospel of Christ. Little did we know that it was an opportunity for us to encounter the God of missions. We never knew that He was already waiting to do missions in us.

Though God gave us victory in the land and there was a mighty demonstration of His power among the inhabitants but the height of the trip was that we ourselves encountered Him. During one of the prayer sessions, people broke down in tears before Him; the Spirit of prophecy was heavy and was literally almost on everyone present; yokes were broken; and many lives were rededicated to Him. For many of us, that land became our Bethel.

Many times in life, we may not see God’s move until we move. We may not see the answers to our prayers until we pray for those around us. The Scriptures can never be broken; a person who waters others SHALL also be watered. At this point, the question we need to ask ourselves is “Am I watering lives for God?”  

Don’t allow your insufficiency to be the focus of your decision. They will only rob you of your blessings. There are many ways you can affect people. Until you take a step of faith to impart a life, you may never know the blessings that await you. Remember it was not until the widow of Zarephath gave out of her meagre supply that the problem of lack was addressed in her life.

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